Optimal Formats for Working Professionals
In today's fast-paced and highly competitive world, modern, dynamic individuals often find it challenging to commit to full-time university study, whether they are pursuing bachelor's, master's, or doctorate degrees. From a career perspective, this approach may not be financially viable.
This is the backdrop against which many bachelor-level candidates, especially in the United States, question whether it makes economic sense to embark on a career laden with exorbitant debts that need to be repaid for many years after graduation. At IBR, first-degree students graduate without accumulating debt, and they even earn a stable salary during their studies. Moreover, IBR graduates consistently outperform their counterparts from traditional educational institutions in terms of employability, leading to improved job prospects and higher salaries.
Work and Study at the same Time
Part-time programmes that involve attending weekend classes pose a significant challenge for many postgraduate students in higher management positions. Executives often struggle to foresee their demanding schedules for two or three years in advance. Additionally, leaving a well-paying job for a year or two to pursue a full-time master's degree is simply not a feasible option for most executives.
The solution lies in IBRs approach, which creates a modern learning environment where students can work and study simultaneously. They can commit to participating in a limited number of residential periods without negatively impacting their career or job prospects since the scheduled dates can be adjusted to align with their current commitments. The great news is that IBR students don't need to carve out time for evening or weekend classes that require physical attendance on a campus.