Keith N.Cleland
Professor, PhD, MA, BA, Dip Ed., FCPA, MACE
Keith’s passion and approach towards research constitute a first-class benchmark of IBRs heartbeat. He oversaw setting up the first self-funded university in the People’s Republic of China. Currently, he is involved in a major research project that looks at ending the existing double entry accounting system, which is based largely on a bookkeeping system developed by Pacioli et al some 500 years ago.
Keith’s background includes seagoing as a cadet and navigating officer, consulting with an international consulting group, full professor, and head of departments of accounting and business studies in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Germany, chairman of private and public companies, member of the United Nations Small Business Development Committee on Southeast Asia and Co-founder of an international chamber of commerce.
Teaching responsibilities in IBR
- Financial management
"This course on financial management was very insightful in demonstrating the importance of the small details in business and the need to focus on the important things. I benefited greatly from Prof Illessy’s experience and the creativity of Professor Cleland in delivering highly complex issues in the simplest way possible."