IBR History

IBR's history is a best practice example of German craftsmanship, global entrepreneurship and exporting, what the world considers to be "made in Germany".



IBR one of the top most promising business schools

IBR is pleased to announce that it has been acknowledged as one of the top 10 most promising business schools in Germany for 2024 by the Higher Education Review. This recognition stems from IBR's outstanding academic expertise, its ability to adapt to changes in education, and its transformative influence on students' careers.



IBR Awarded with a Certificate of Honour

IBR has been awarded with a Certificate of Honour by the Stuttgart Chamber of Industry and Commerce, one of the largest and important chambers in Germany. It awards the honorary certificate to IBR with gratitude and recognition for contributions to the local economy since the establishment of the institute 25 years ago.



Global MBA accredited by the German Accreditation Council

The German Accreditation Council (GAC) announced in its December meeting that it has accredited the Global MBA for Albstadt-Sigmaringen University (ASU). With the decision of the GAC, the MBA degree awarded by ASU will be offically recognised both nationally and internationally.



FIBAA Accreditation

IBR proudly announced the accreditation of its Global MBA programme at Albstadt-Sigmaringen University. This marks the sixth programmatic accreditation for the Global MBA since it was first accredited in 1999.



Start of Global Doctoral Studies

IBR has announced the launch of its Global Doctoral Studies. As of today, IBR has already received applications from candidates in Germany, Ukraine, the UK, Singapore, the United States, South Africa, and Namibia. Participants will enrol in the PhD programme at Kairos University, which is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission in Chicago.



IBR collaborates with Kairos University, Sioux Falls, SD, USA

IBR becomes a collaborating partner of Kairos University, Sioux Falls, SD, USA. Students earn certificates to apply toward degrees specialising in management at Kairos. With the Bible as departure point, IBR faculty mentor managers professionally at their workplace in solving real management problems. With Kairos University, we are committed to bringing hope and opportunities to all business communities, including those that are forgotten, underprivileged and disadvantaged.



IBR collaborates with Albstadt-Sigmaringen University in Germany

IBR welcomes the new partnership with Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, an innovative academic partner in the Southwest of Germany. The Southwest is Germany’s Silicon Valley with the highest density of “hidden champions”, highly successful companies with a presence worldwide. With Albstadt-Sigmaringen as collaborating partner, IBR continues exporting degree programmes “made in Germany” via its global network.



IBR expands to the United States

IBR further globalizes. Trinity International University invited IBR Institute of International Business Relations to conduct a pilot project in recruiting and teaching 150 Global MBA students from all over the world in 2021. With accepting this task, IBR opened doors to enter the United States with master and bachelor programmes from overseas in the years to come.



FIBAA Reaccreditation IBR Global MBA

For second time after 2010, FIBAA awards the Global MBA with the prestigious “Premium Seal” award. With this international programmatic accreditation, FIBAA recognizes IBR’s continuous innovation efforts in expanding the Global MBA’s competitive edge.



Accreditation by the German Accreditation Council

The IBR Global MBA concurs with all quality requirements for master programs as stipulated by the German Government through the German Accreditation Council.



Second graduation for Africans outside Germany

IBR Global MBA graduates in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, invite Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Johann Löhn to celebrate the second fully African graduation ceremony. A historic event that was broadcasted on TV by the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation.



First graduation for Africans outside Germany

University President Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Johann Löhn holds the first African graduation ceremony in Zimbabwe for IBR Global MBA graduates: A great recognition for the work done by IBR. Till 2018, African graduates had to travel to Germany for graduation ceremonies.



The Victorian Vernier Society

Dr Andreas Kelling, President of IBR, is invited as keynote speaker to share first-hand experience with the German model of work-integrated higher education to Australian Engineering companies in Melbourne, Australia.



IBR expands in India

IBR concludes a collaboration agreement with the Academy for German Business Management Private Limited in Chennai, India.

South Africa


IBR enters South Africa

With study centers around South Africa, the time has come to also start a Global MBA group in Johannesburg. The first international cohort includes students from Europe and Africa.



IBR enters Zimbabwe

BR kicks-off the first Zimbabwean Global MBA group. Today, Zimbabwean Global MBA cohorts attract candidates not only from Southern and Eastern Africa including countries like Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique and South Africa, but also from the Middle East, the UK and Australia.



Global MBA students consult the Israeli government

Students from Hungary, India, Namibia and Ukraine consult the Israeli Ministry of Tourism how to increase incoming tourism from their home countries. A masterpiece for the internationalization of the Global MBA program.



FIBAA Reaccreditation IBR Global MBA

FIBAA honors IBR with the prestigious “Premium Seal”, a bold statement that the Global MBA continues to exceed by far rigorous quality requirements for business education of the German, Swiss and Austrian industries.



IBR enters Namibia

After the Namibian Qualifications Authorities clear the Global MBA, IBR recruits and kicks-off the first Namibian MBA cohort in the Southwest of the African continent.



First residential in Shanghai

Together with the German Chamber of Commerce ‘Greater China’ IBR designed a unique learning experience for its Global MBA students to get acquainted with success stories of German companies in China.



IBR expands to the first African country

IBR concludes a collaboration agreement with the Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique in Maputo, Mozambique and introduces the Global MBA to the first Portuguese speaking country.



The first residential in Manhattan

A novum: On Wallstreet in New York City, IBR conducts a residential period with Global MBA students from Europe and Asia. This is an important milestone in the internationalization of the Global MBA.



IBR and The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce

IBR and the FICC conclude a collaboration agreement for the Global MBA in Israel and Israeli business relations with IBR international markets



IBR and the KPMG Academy in Hungary

IBR signs a contract with KPMG Academy to integrate the Global MBA into their course portfolio. KPMG students join the most international version of the Global MBA with seminars in the United States, China, India, Germany, Israel and Ukraine



IBR enters India

After having graduated many Indian expats, mainly for the pharmaceutical industries in Europe, IBR opens its second Asian campus in Hyderabad, India. Indian MBA students study together with participants from Europe and Africa



IBR becomes part of Steinbeis University Berlin

IBR accepts an invitation to become the Global Business School of Steinbeis University with the purpose to export executive management education 'Made in Germany'. As of 2008, the IBR MBA is known as the IBR Global MBA.



IBR in the Startup Nation Israel

IBR lays the foundation to create an international campus for IBR students from all over the world in one of the first and historic buildings on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel



FIBAA Reaccreditation IBR MBA

FIBAA comments: “ the entire concept is trend-setting from the experts’ point of view. … the program is certainly recommended as a model for many other MBA programs”.



IBR attracts development funds

Geneva Global INC, USA entrusts IBR capital to develop and deliver leadership trainings for SME companies in Israel and Ukraine.



IBR brings to life the 'renaissance' in Germany

Till 2010, IBR students graduate in the historic Casimirianum (Neustadt an der Weinstrasse), a branch of the famous Heidelberg University. IBR proudly continues Heidelberg's university tradition of graduations after a break of 425 years.



German State recognition for the IBR MBA

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education recommends IBR a collaboration with "Kassel International Management School", which since then has become part of "Kassel University" (Germany).



FIBAA Reaccreditation of the IBR MBA

FIBAA's assessment: "The concept of the IBR MBA could be trend setting in Europe. It is the outstanding integration of scientific foundations with intensive practical applications that triggers our recommendation specifically for Germany".



German Banking Innovation Price Award for IBR

A consortium of German banks awarded IBR for its outstanding innovation results in adult education at the University of Frankfurt (Germany). The competition was held under the auspices of the Federal German Minister for Higher Education.



The first Ukrainian MBA group starts on the premises of the National Bank of Ukraine

IBR sets standards internationally. The IBR MBA is the first truly accredited MBA program that is offered in Ukraine. Local business schools take IBR as an example and file for accreditation, too.



IBR enters Ukraine

Within a very short period of time, IBR becomes market leader of foreign MBA providers for the next 10 years in Ukraine. In Ukraine, IBR attracts also international students from India, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, India, Kazakhstan, and Russia.



IBR enters Russia

Under the leadership of Vladimir State University, the first Russian MBA cohort with students from Moscow, Yaroslavl, and Vladimir kicks-off in June 2000.



First MBA worldwide, accredited on distance learning criteria

The accreditor FIBAA to IBR: "one can only support the pioneering work of IBR in collecting a reputable team of professors from around the world in order to develop this MBA".



Registration: IBR Institute of International Business Relations

Foundations for the registration of IBR and the first prototype of the IBR MBA were laid by a group of distinctive professors from different European countries in Belgium in 1998.